Have I mentioned that I’ve become a runner? To be honest, it just seems strange to call myself a runner because I’m just not the running type. I’ve been known to say, “If you see me running down the street, STOP and help me, because someone must be chasing me!!” But, with more than 250 miles under my belt, I guess it's safe to say that I am a runner.
I’ve attempted to become a runner twice before. About 12 years ago Chris and I were stationed in Korea. He was running a lot of miles each day, and I thought it would be good idea to have him help me become a runner too. We went on one run together – just one. We felt it was in the best interest of our marriage that Chris NOT be my running coach. As he yelled, “DON’T STOP” at me, I considered smacking him (but I couldn’t catch him)! I’m sure if he was the author of this post he would say it all ended because I was the whiniest wannabe runner he had ever seen, and he would be right. My second attempt was in the fall of 2008. I decided I wanted to run a 5k, so, I started a run program and was doing pretty good. About 4 weeks into the plan, I found out I was pregnant with Miss Hailey. Very soon after, horrible nausea set in and I was DONE.
So what was different this time? I guess it wasn’t just one thing that changed, but more like a few things came together. In January we filed our application and kicked off our adoption journey. I wanted to lose weight with this “pregnancy” as opposed to the other 3 where I ate WHATEVER I wanted! Then, in February, one of my besties, April, heard about the Chosen Marathon for Adoption. This marathon (and half marathon) was created to help adopting families raise some of the necessary funds for thier adoption costs. The inaugural Marathon for Adoption took place in New Braunfels in Oct 2010. April thought the October 29th 2011 race would be a fabulous fundraiser for our adoption and offered to take the lead on creating a team for us. So, the desire to make a change and the need to raise money to bring our daughter home collided and I became a runner!

Team "Halvorson Family" was created and we have been blessed to have 58 people sign up on our team. The entry fees paid by the members of our team ($65 for the half marathon and $85 for the full) will go directly to our adoption expenses! A few team members are running the full marathon with Chris (including his college roommate, Paul), many are walking or running the half marathon with me, and many opted for the sleep in option! These supporters have signed up on our team so we are blessed with their entry fee, but and have decided they are more interested in sleeping in on race day than lacing up their running shoes. In late June the marathon had a contest. The team that had the most people sign up during the 2 week period would win an additional $1,000 bonus! Family members, coworkers, friends, and friends of friends rallied and grew our team from 6 to 58 people during the contest period. WE WON and we were blown away by the support of so many!!!!
If you want to visit the marathon website click on this link:
If you want to watch a short video about how the marathon came to be, you will enjoy this:
I you are interested in joining our team (to run, walk or sleep in) it isn’t too late! The more the better!!! Contact me or click here to register. Select team Halvorson Family. We can pick up your race packet in New Braunfels if you need us to.
A financial (tax deductible) gift can also be made to our team through this link.
So how did I actually become a runner, you may be asking? Well, it didn’t happen overnight. It hasn’t been without loads of determination and sweat, but it has been an amazing journey. Chris ran for many years during his A&M Corps and Army days. It had been awhile since he had run regularly, so we both needed to jump in slowly. We started with the couch to 5k program – a running program that starts with running just one minute at a time and gradually builds until you are conquering a 5k (3.1 miles). We ran our graduation 5k on May 1st. After that we worked on increasing our mileage. In July we ran a 15k (9.3 miles). Now we are growing our mileage so that I can complete the half marathon and Chris can run the full marathon on October 29th. To date our longest runs have been 11 miles for me and 12.5 miles for Chris. We are on our way.
I couldn’t have predicted the blessing running would be in my life. Before all of this, I never really understood people who “love” running. I don’t know if I “love” running, but I enjoy it quite a bit now! Physically it has helped me drop 30 pounds, and who wouldn’t love that?!?!!! Many nights my run has been my time to get away and pray. My time to hash out my feeling or fears with God. It has been a time to beg for his guidance and a time to thank him for his provisions! I remember the run where I prayed God would give us clarity about little Hannah. God confirmed that she was “the one” on that memorable run and did the same for Chris when he went for his run later that night. I remember my first run after matching with Hannah. It was such a nice time to thank God for her and to thank him for calling us to this entire journey! During my runs, I pray for God's timing to reign in this process, for his protection to be with my baby and for his name to be glorified through it all! With all of the unexpected blessing that come with the adoption process, who knew that running would be one of them???
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us RUN with endurance the race God has set before us. Hebrews 12:1
Amy, I cannot tell you how proud I am of you, Chris and your family. What an inspration you all have been to me and Jin. I know that this is all Jesus working in you to encourage the rest of us, and its working. I am very happy for you guys because you had the courage to believe and God has demonstrated his power in you. We are going to have to go visit you all when Hannah gets here. I know Jin will be anxious to see her, but she is going to hate coming home. I can't telly you how much we wanted a girl all of our lives, and we discussed adopting over and over again but really just didn't have the courage to do it, I guess. We are thankful that you did. We love you all and know that God has great things in store for you. John
ReplyDeleteBeautiful post! I have loved reading about your journey and have found myself sharing your story with family and friends. God is using you in mighty ways!
ReplyDeleteGod works in such mysterious ways . . .
I did a giveaway on my blog this week, a fundraiser for a friend who is adopting from China. Through the giveaway I met a new friend K--who is waiting to bring home her Chinese daughter Gracie. K asked if she could share our daughter's story on her blog . . . Long story short I was just over on K's blog and happened to look at her blog roll--for some reason I felt drawn to click on your post (odd, because I hate running--although you have inspired me) . . . all this to say after reading many of your posts (one mentioning the Martines) I have determined that we are probably in the same south Texas city. The adoption world is a small, marvelous world!
Your family is beautiful and your sweet waiting Hannah, oh my! I know you can't wait to wrap her up in your arms--there is nothing like it in the world! She is precious!
May the Lord hold you in His grasp as you wait faithfully on him to bring your baby girl home!
Congrats again on your LOA! How exciting! You have inspired me to try the couch to 5K again. I started it in May...I AM not a runner. My knee started bothering me (previous surgery) so I gave up and haven't tried again. It's good to know you tried before and are now ready to run a half marathon!! I may just have to try it again too.