Our agency received our LOA today and the trusty FedEx man should be delivering it to my house tomorrow! After 57 days of waiting - it is here!!!! There is such a nice relief knowing that China has reviewed our dossier and has approved us to adopt Hannah!
We have more steps to go. We actually have a bunch of little steps that add up to about 2 more months until China issues our TA (Travel Approval). Once we get our TA, we can arrange or travel. After TA we could travel in as little as 3 or 4 days, but more likely a few weeks. It looks like we could be China bound in Oct, but most likely we will travel in November.
We celebrated our LOA tonight by stuffing ourselves at PF Changs! It's my favorite and it just seemed to fit the occasion! It was beyond yummy and I couldn't wipe the smile off my face! The kids are all very excited! They don't really understand what each steps means, but they know China said YES and that we are one giant step closer to going to get their sister!
We are beyond blessed, beyond excited and beyond thankful for the Lord's provisions!!!
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