Let me back track some.... Back when we thought we were all done having kids, we started saving (as a family) for a trip to Disney World. The boys added money to the fund along the way too and little by little we had saved enough money to go to Disney World. We were all set to go in the summer of 2011! Right after Christmas we booked our trip and told the boys the good news. They surprised us by saying they didn't want to go on such a big family trip without their sister. Then Travis said that he had heard us talking about the adoption expenses and he thought we should use the Disney fund for some of the adoption expenses. Chase totally agreed!! So we humbly and thankfully cancelled the trip and converted the Disney fund to be our adoption fund. That money was key in us being able to pay for some of the early expenses. We were blown away by the generosity and self sacrifice from our boys. You can read more about it in my blog post from Feb 19, 2011.
So, a few months before we came to China we noticed that many families were finding it cheaper to fly home via Hong Kong. Also, a few families had spent a day here at HK Disneyland and had great things to say about it. I still didn't get my hopes up, because I wasn't sure if we could afford the added expense. Then, God made a way... the DISNEY hotel here is cheaper than the hotel our agency wanted us to stay in and the park tickets were quite cheap (like the cost of Fiesta Texas tickets). Reports from other families were that the food in the park was very reasonable, unlike American theme parks. So, we decided to end our trip here and to surprise the boys!
We got Hannah's passport (with US visa) back and left Guangzhou, via private van, on Tuesday evening. This morning we had breakfast with 4 of the characters and then headed out for a full day at the park. We are here for one more night and then tomorrow we head to the airport to fly HOME!!! Here are some pictures from our breakfast this morning...
The huge Christmas Tree in the Lobby

Look who the boys found in the lobby!
See the excitement on their faces!
Hannah's excited too!!

See the Mickey waffle and pancakes...
Diasy trying to get Hannah to like her
Mickey trying to get a smile out of Hannah by playing peek a boo!

SO EXCITED that you got to go! I have been waiting to see this post. I hope it was magical for the boys! Safe travels home!