
Monday, November 14, 2011

Look Mom - She Trusts Me!!!

Oh my sweet sweet Travis!!! Travis has been telling everyone who would listen that there was a good chance Hannah would trust him before she trusted us! This was quite possible given that she was probably used to a lot of kids in the orphanage. He has been craving a special bond with Hannah for so so long!

This whole trip he has tried very hard to endear her to him. So far she has enjoyed playing with her brothers and watching them play. They have made her laugh often and every now and then they have gotten a few kisses from her. Today things took such a good turn for Travis and he couldn't have been happier. He asked me to blog about it and I told him I'd be happy to!

Earlier today when we were shopping and Hannah was riding in her stroller she reached out for his hand. She held it for a while and then when she let go she reached for it again. Travis was so excited!!!! Hannah has had a difficult time holding any of our hands for longer than a few seconds. I don't get the impression she has ever been required to hold an adult's hand. Often when she is walking she will put her hands behind her back. This may have been what they did as the children walked around the orphanage. So, for her to hold anyone's hand for any amount of time is very remarkable. Then tonight Travis got a McFlurry and she wanted a bite. He gave her one and then she was his new best friend! The two sat on the hotel room floor and he fed her the better half of his treat! She was so happy and freely gave him kisses whenever he requested them. I included a picture of Travis trying to look upset that she ate all of his McFlurry. He was so excited that he couldn't look sad even when he tried! I also added a picture of Hannah in her "Little Girl Big Dreams" pajamas! Aren't these so cute on her!

Today's events are further proof that the Lord is hard at work knitting our little family together. The joy that Travis felt tonight, as she began to trust him and respond with her affection, is priceless!!!! I'm so thankful!

Blessings from Guangzhou!!

Chris, Amy, Travis, Chase and Hannah


  1. So sweet! And those pjs!! Adorable!

  2. so sweet! With our first adoption - our dd bonded with my oldest dd waaaaay before her daddy. love that sweet sib love!

  3. Such a precious big brother! Claire just said that she wants to go to China!

  4. So so sweet. She is going to love having big brothers.

  5. so happy for your sweet family! what a precious memory! Hannah is such a sweet little one and I love seeing all the adorable little faces she makes - her grin is so cute! I'm so thankful that the Lord is equipping you daily for this journey and that you are witnessing first hand the miracles He performs in bonding your hearts together. Loved seeing Chengdu again through your pics and so wish we could have traveled together too! :) Praying for you all as you reach the end of this amazing journey knowing the best part of it is just beginning - home sweet home. :) love ya! :)
